Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Lesson 113-114

-Effects of the War on the South
  • During the war, vast cotton fields are destroyed or left untended, taking away one of the South's main resources for money.
  • The North destroys the livestock shelters and either leaves the livestock or killed it off.
  • The South's agriculture is seriously dwindled.
-Reconstruction Begins
  • Lincoln starts the Freedmen's Bureau, which allows slaves to have a certain amount of land and a mule to start their own lives.
  • When Lincoln is asassinated, the Bureau is canceled by his successor, Andrew Johnson.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Lesson 112

-Election of 1864
  • Lincoln appears to be loosing the presidency and the faith of the people, but he barely manages to be re-elected.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Lesson 111

-Thirteenth Amendment

  • The Thirteenth Amendment sets the abolition of slavery in motion.
  • Lincoln is unable to see the abolition of slavery through because of his death. 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Lesson 108, 109, 110

-The Economy During the Civil War

  • Northern factories fourish and the economy grows prosperous.
  • Southern economy begins to falter and the South has to recycle old materials.
  • Women on both sides step up to work in factories, farms, and become nurses while the men are at war.
-Lincoln and Civil Liberties

  • President takes somewhat drastic steps to keep the Union together, ignoring the Constitution in some areas.
-Emancipation Proclaimation

  • President Lincoln signs the Emancipation Proclaimation, freeing all slaves that have served in the Union army and allowing former slaves of the South to join the North and it's armies.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Lesson 107

-The Battles

  • Battles erupt betweent Union and Confederate troops in multiple areas.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Lesson 105-106


  • Abraham Lincoln signs the Emancipation Proclaimation which only freed slaves in rebellious states.
  • Freed slaves from the south begin to join the Union army.
-Military Strategy

  • The Union develops the "Anaconda Plan" which will cut off the South's ability to trade with other nations.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Lesson 103-104

-The Election of 1860
  • Abraham Lincoln is elected president and is hated by many in the South.
-Southern Secession

  • After Lincoln is elected, southerners start immediately planning their secession from the Union.  A southern delegation elects Jefferson Davis as the president of the Confederate States of America.
  • Civil war breaks out when Union soldiers refuse to abandon the southern Fort Sumter.  The Confederacy attacks the fort, and the Union surrenders it after several hours of cannon fire.

    Thursday, April 10, 2014

    Lessons 102

    -John Brown's Raid:

    • The Kansas-Nebraska act is passed by Congress causing further unrest between southern slave states and northern free states.
    • Pro-slavery radicals pillage the town of Lawrence.

    Tuesday, April 8, 2014

    Lesson 100-101

    -Dred Scott Decision:

    -  A slave, Dred Scott, attempts to sue his owner's widow for his freedom and moves to Illinoise when his request is rejected by the court.
    -  Northerners defy the court's decisions and southern slave states are angered.

    -Lincoln-Douglas Debate of 1858:

    -  Abraham Lincoln begins to run for presidency against Stephen Douglas.
    -  Hottest issue up for debate is slavery.
    -  Southern radicals seriously discuss secession if a republican takes the presidency.

    Thursday, April 3, 2014

    Tuesday, April 1, 2014