Friday, November 30, 2012

Lesson 28: Boston Tea Party

Consider this: If Americans believed they were overtaxed and wanted to retaliate against Parliament, why was there only limited support for the Bostonian's actions in the harbor?

Probably because they needed to keep the group small to avoid suspicion.  With a large crowd of supporters, the British may have become aware of their plan.  Or, it was just the certain group (the Sons of Liberty) that planned to destroy the tea and told no one of their plans.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Lesson 27: The Townshend Duties

Consider this: By comparing and contrasting the two accounts of the Boston Massacre,which viewpoint is a better example of political propaganda?  Why?

I'm not exactly sure what "political propaganda" is, but i'll try to answer the question based on what I think it may be.

I think that the patriot's account was a better example because they were trying to convince the people that the British soldiers had killed a few citizens on purpose rather than stating that it was a misunderstanding between the two factions.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Lesson 26: Stamp Act

Question: which item was not taxed by the Stamp Act?

Coffee.  The Stamp Act was mainly for printed materials.

Question: Why did Parliament's decision to revoke an American tax excite so many Britons?

The repeal meant better trade opportunities for British merchants.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Lesson 25: Proclamation of 1763

Question: What reason did the Crown give for restricting colonists' purchase of land west of the Appalachians from the Indians in the "Proclamation of 1763?"

Great frauds and abuses have been committed.  The colonists were testing British rule and becoming aggressive toward the Indians.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Lesson 24: North American Alliance

Question: Which of the following was a result of the Peace Treaty of Paris of 1763?

Great Britain received claim to Nova Scotia. Great Britain emerged as the greatest colonial empire.

Question: What fate did Benjamin Franklin fear if the colonists did not unite to repel the French and Indians?

Being killed and scalped.  The Indians and French would have taken over and destroyed many people.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Lesson 23: The Great Awakening

Question: In his sermon "Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God," Jonathan Edwards presented the idea that:

All people were sinners in daily danger of damnation unless they immediately turned to God for salvation.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Lesson 22: The Enlightenment

Question: Which of the following items proved to be the most problematic and led to abuse in the trials of those accused of witchcraft, including Susanna Martin, in Salem village?

The courts frequently allowed  spectral evidence (claims of what was occurring in the spiritual world.)

In his "Essay on the True Original, Extent, and the End of Civil Government," John Locke states that political power is:

the power of a magistrate over a subject.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Lesson 21: Family and Social Life

Question: The "Charter of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations" provided that no one should be punished for:

"Any differences in opinion in matters of religion."
When Roger Williams established Rhode Island, he created a government based on the consent of the people, tolerating all religions.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Lesson 20: Diversity

Question: Did the different economic needs and opportunities of the different sections of the British North American colonies lead to colonial unity or separation?

I'd say that it lead to unity, for the fact that each colony probably had some things that the others didn't, so they probably traded among themselves.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Lesson 19: Origins of Slavery

Question: What alternative to African slaves might you have employed to harvest tobacco?

Firstly, I wouldn't be harvesting tobacco because its bad for people.  But, if I was harvesting tobacco, I would have hired others from England to work for me.

If slaves were limited on education and couldn't read, how do you think the slave codes affected their daily life?

They would probably be wondering why they were treated the way they were and always being in the dark about it.